At a time when I feel so many people care so much about the massive devastation that is unfolding in front of our eyes in Gaza, it felt relevant to take out some content a larger course I created a couple of years ago. I know so many of us are feeling so deeply and don't want to hide behind our practice but instead have it as a support to continue to move out into the world. And to do so, ideally, with compassion and wisdom leading the way. I have provided a few practices and videos from my online course
Medicine Woman: Embody the Elements
Medicine Woman combines yoga and activism. It includes a ton of practices for each of the five elements plus epic talks from women whose life work is to protect that specific element. I wanted the course to show the incredible examples of the power of yoga AND the power of ACTIVISM for supporting ourselves and our community.
Air was represented by Mooji and Haliun from Mongolia. Water was represented by Melissa Day from Haiti. Fire was represented by indigenous leader Shinta Emmanuel from Borneo. Earth was represented by indigenous leader Francienia from the Amazon in Brazil. And finally, Space was represented by Vera Sajrawi from Palestine.
I invited Vera to share a video from her homeland as it is one of the most densely populated areas of the world where the element of space is under constant threat. Vera represents the element of space which she endeavours to protect through her work as a journalist.
I have also included a very special Water Blessing Sound Healing composed by Walker Barnard with a Balinese water priest, Ketut, as well as some beautiful spoken poetry by author and Rumi translator, Maryam Maafi. The binaural beats soundscape for the Yoga Nidra is by Seba Tierra and the filming of my Yin Practice by Sarah Wiles.
Finally, I have included a recording of a live call that I did entitled "Yoga & Social Justice."
It is simple, and put together as an offering from my heart.
I hope it helps navigate these times.
With Love,
Practices from my heart to yours
What If?
A poem by Ganga White
What if our religion was each other?
If our practice was our life?
If prayer was our words?
What if the Temple was the Earth?
If forests were our church?
If holy water—the rivers, lakes and oceans?
What if meditation was our relationships?
If the Teacher was life?
If wisdom was self-knowledge?
If love was the center of our being