Respect to the Source: Earth Body
Yoga with Bex:
Earth. The heartbeat under your feet. The nurturer and nourisher. The need to remember and respect her. To listen to her wisdom. To let the soles of our feet soak up the words of Bhumi, of the mother.
- Inspiration: Hatha Yoga and in particular the Shakti Bandhas
- Qualities: Stability, steadiness, balance, groundedness, self-respect and respect for this Earth
- Explore the power of movement to activate and participate with the power of the earth wherever in the world you are
- Bowing down, honouring, bringing in devotion through our movements
- Waking up our feet and allowing that vitality to move from the earth up through our soles, to our womb space, heart space, hands and head.
- Firmness in foundation: Find stability in whatever relationship to gravity you are
Dance with Karina:
Earth’s fertile soil supports, nourishes and provides solid foundations to sustain life.
She unconditionally offers us the support to stand, to walk and to dance through life with the strength of all those that have come before us.
In our dance we will explore the relationship to the support of the Earth beneath us in our dance.
How can we walk in this world well grounded in connection to the Earth to act in balanced relationship with our creative potential?
This dance will explore movement in close relationship with the ground, exploring levels of movement and conversations with gravity.