Course Content
During this month long journey together, we explore the wisdom of the earth beneath our feet and extend it into the space around us. This in itself is radical, as at some times in the world and still in many places, women haven't always had a place in all of the spaces. We then move with the waters of life and the fire in our spirits that bind us across colour and creed. This is a beautiful exploration of movement to invoke a sense of belonging and deeper knowing in your soul. To support you to move out into life with vigour and vitality.
What you will receive
The course has been diligently designed to take you on a unique journey, and yet with the flexibility to follow at your own pace. The course includes
- Embodied practices via yoga and dance
- Ritual
- Presentations to introduce the Elements
- Meditations, music and poetry
- Five live 75 minute calls
The practices will then be available for you to return to for the rest of the year.
Yoga with Bex
Five unique yoga practices, each based on one of the Elements and exploring a range of contemporary styles including Hatha, YinYang, Vinyasa and Feminine Flows.
Five introductions to the elements from the perspective of yoga and beyond.
Five beautiful meditations, including mudra and visualisation.
Dance with Karina
Five masterclass dance workshops to honour the Elements via a plethora of different styles from African to Afro Brazilian.
Explore your sensual relationship with Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space as their essence moves through your body.
Special Guests
We are proud to welcome our sisters from around the world to share in a short interview about their work protecting the land and working in environmental conservation. This aspect is a powerful component of the course as we gather strength and inspiration from the natural world and then offer it back in our multiple forms: Art, Activism and Relationships. The health of our own cycles and bodies as women has a direct effect on the health of the world around us and, likewise, the balance of the Elements around us directly impacts our own sense of self and agency in the world. The two are one.
Poetry Recital with Maryam Mafi
Poetry recited by the magnificent Maryam in both English and Farsi to illuminate the richness and power of the Elements through time and ancient civilisations.
Music by Sebatierra
Sebatierra recordings of kora, cello and Native American flute to guide you into a deeper relation with the vibrations of the Elements.
Elemental Soul Journal
Each day you will receive prompts for journaling and deeper reflection.