Welcome to Module 5
Over the last few modules we have moved from a more conventional foundation into feminine flows and dance guided by the inner waves.
In this module we continue to explore what it is to honour our own rhythms and cycles through our yoga practice. This necessitates that we actually learn to listen and respond accordingly - listen that is to the inner sensations and inner flow of vitality, as opposed to attempt to fit our body into fixed shapes dictated by an external voice/ idea of how we should move. Our practice today is all about moving beyond fixed forms. It is an invitation to break the rules! Move from external alignment to organic flow. Play! Listen! Receive. As I am writing this, I realise that it is perhaps much easier to put it into practice than to attempt to explain it in words. So...suffice to say the practice is called "She is Free."
The presentation: "Deep Dive into MCA" breaks down more clearly the path of Menstrual Cycle Awareness, as guided by menstruality mentors Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer. For those of you who have already been journeying deep into this work - stay curious. Often new insights can arise as the material becomes more familiar. It is after all, a cyclical process of refinement, which necessitates we keep coming back around, and yet each time will be different. For those of you who have already moved through menopause, please remember that younger women will look to you for guidance and support. This info/ wisdom can be gold.
In the lecture, The Wonder and Wisdom of a Woman's Body, prepare to be amazed at the intelligence within as we journey through slides to explore everything from female anatomy to hormonal changes and natural fertility.
This is wonderful groundwork for our final practice "Support Your Self", where I share techniques from Uma Dinsomore Tuli (in her book Yoni Shakti) which can easily be incorporated into your daily practices. For those of you teaching, sharing ways for women to create "uplift" physically is not just of benefit to post-natal women, but it can also bring "uplift" to women who might feel rather down!
We also have a fabulous Ecstatic Dance. Please make space to explore this! Just to let go, not think so much (or at all) and allow energy in motion to be expressed.
To Watch:
Angela Farmer: The Feminine Unfolding
For a few giggles and reminder of how wonderfully complex a woman's body is:
- Le Clitoris: An Animated Documentary
- Fertilisation
- Monica in a scene from Friends demonstrates the wonders of a woman's body.
Recommended Reading: "The Inner Revolution", Unwind the Feminine Manual p.164-212