Welcome to Module 4
Our first practice is with our special guest Karina Christie. Karina will take us into guided movement from the inner body out. Her dance exploration, "Earth and Sky" takes us into realms of expression that lay beyond the confines of a yoga mat.
In the lecture “Treasures in the Shadows” we explore what it is to acknowledge and feel certain emotions and fears, including the fear of death. After all, love and grief are intimate lovers and together they awaken a common humanity and wellspring of sentience.
We then explore certain social, political and patriarchal constructs that inhabit our contemporary globalised culture, namely "Media, Morality and Medicine." It is important to remember that the Yoga World is not immune! Nothing exists in a vacuum, and we are continuously affected and shaped by our surroundings. However, the first step is to open our eyes to this, the second step to reeducate ourselves beyond narrow scripts we may have been fed, and then to explore ways to take sovereign action - to exercise authentic free will which may well mean orientating towards different values and lived attitudes towards our very bodies! Do remember the power of our physical practice - of literally exploring our Freedom through Movement.
In our final practice, “Lean into Yin with Myofascial Release” we really slow it down to explore what it is to be present with sensations in the body an to practice feeling them! We breathe life into areas that may feel stuck or numb. You will need two tennis balls or tennis ball surrogates! As well as a couple of bolsters, cushions or pillows. Please do make time to give yourself a nourishing savasana. It is not so much about “doing” the practice but about receiving it – receiving her.
For those of you who still would like a Virtual Sister please let me know. The practices of speaking and listening are integral to the course integration. This is the perfect opportunity to continue to explore the vocal activation from Module 2 and to do so as a testing ground for everyday life.
Recommended Reading:
- "The Cycles of Love and Grief", Unwind the Feminine Manual p.133-137
- "Your Menstrual Cycle under Quarantine" pdf attached