Welcome to Module 7
We start this module with Karina Christie, who takes us on an adventure into the waters. So much of how we move reflects how we live. I do believe that it is possible to feel “flow” in our lives by literally embodying the movements of the water.
*Art: Reflections of a Queen by A. Smith*
Karina and I feel so strongly about the power of the elements to reawaken what we may have forgotten. Indeed, it motivated us to co-create a course entitled “Embody the Elements” where we both lead one practice per day, combing yoga and dance via an appreciation of and inspiration from the elements.
In regards to the lectures, the Queendom of Menopause explores what is often not spoken about:
- Menopause as the crowning of a woman’s wisdom
- Ways to support yourself / or another
- Change as the only constant in life and it is encoded in our very bodies
- Each “menopause” is totally unique
- The value in creating your own ritual for this rite of passage
In the lecture, the Heroine’s Journey, we refer to the work of Maureen Murdock who relates Joseph Campbells “Hero’s Journey” to the modern woman. It is a fascinating rewrite, which rather than going out into the world to conquer and return as a hero, is all about going in and reclaiming that which has been cut off, shamed or denied.
The Art of Self Practice is a blueprint for you to continue to develop your own self practice. A huge part of Unwind the Feminine: Women and Yoga is to move away from that which no longer serves our health and vitality. Often this necessitates moving away from being told how to move and how to think, into a new way – a way of feeling and listening.
Recommended Reading:
"Unwind the Feminine", Unwind the Feminine Manual p.242-247