Welcome to Module 3
In this module we take a closer and necessary look at stress through a woman's body. An astounding study on the female brain and orgasm that reminds us of how little is still known about female sexuality - and how imperative it is that we freaking wise up to our own bodies and be damned with shaming and playing down this huge force of creativity and passion!
Lecture: What Sex has to do with it?
- From cosmic stress-shifting orgasms to stress-inflicted loss of libido. We take a look at this spiritual, psychological and chemical connection.
- The Brain, Spine and Vagina: Understanding our female brain
- The effects of dopamine and oxytocin on our stress levels, libido an sense of self.
- Neurology of the Vagina: The relationship of a woman with her own sexuality as the foundation of the health of her intimate relationships
- How trauma, surgery, shame and fear around female anatomy can effect her self esteem, creativity, sexuality, sense of self and resilience
- The effect of the brain-vagina connection in our intimate relationships and tips for you to work through times of stress and anxiety with a partner/lover
- Orgasm as sexual release and nature's pain relief
- Why is this important when we are teaching women?
In Zoe's sessions we explore the wisdom of sexual desire, as well as essential self-care. This includes a section on breast and belly massage direct from the ancient wisdom of the Tao. These teachings reiterate how sexual vitality was known to be central to a woman's overall vitality!
Embodied Practice
In our first practice, we learn about "The Wonder-filled Technology of Hatha Yoga" as we explore movement via the chakra system.
For our second practice we introduce our special guest Lindsey Wise. Lindsey shares her passion and visions that can induce a truly profound and "otherworldly" experience via her Soul Song Revival Ceremony.
Our third practice "Elemental Yin" builds on our earlier exploration of the chakra system yet via a Yin Yoga practice. We honour the elements from the head to the feet, from the sky to the earth.
Recommended Reading:
Please read Vagina by Naomi Wolf if you haven't already, as my session on the "Vagina Diaries" is largely inspired by her!
Also check out:
Video clips and additional reading in specific lectures such as:
"Me and Her" - an epic documentary filmed in Byron Bay about women's relationships with their clitorises!
"Le Clitoris" - a short animation about the men who "discovered" it. Urgh!